Founded in January of 2018, we are a training, working and initiatory coven which is part of a long-standing lineage that has been in the Austin area alone for almost 40 years. Our beliefs and practices are syncretic, formed from elements of a family tradition, Wicca and other aspects of occultism. Please take a look around to get to know us a bit and reach out with any questions!
SUN 09/15/24: Austin Pagan Pride Day @ The Vortex
SAT 09/21/24: Autumn Equinox (Mabon) Grand Sabbat in Atlanta, GA
SAT 09/28/24: Autumn Equinox (Mabon) Sabbat
SAT 11/09/24: Samhain Sabbat
SAT 12/21/24: Winter Solstice (Yule) Sabbat